Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Goodbye 2015

I can't believe that we are in our last few days of 2015! So crazy. This year seems to have flown by and I know that people say that every year but this one really does seem to to have gone in a flash!

Before I get stuck in to the blog post I just wanted to say that I hope all of you reading this, and all of you that always read this, have had an amazing Christmas! (Only 361 sleeps until the next one!) Not only that but thank you! Thank you for reading my blogs, it honestly means a lot. This was a pipe dream from the start of this year and now it's an actual thing that people actually read and support, that's pretty incredible! This year blogging, next year YouTube????

Of all my 22 years on Earth this year has been the most challenging one that I have experienced. That being said I would like to share with you some things that I have learnt and will be taking into 2016 with me.

So, at the start of this year, I was living with my boyfriend, in Warrington ( I told you this was going to be personal ) then it hit summer time, and, without going in to much detail, our relationship hit a point were it was just not working anymore and he ended it, I had to move back home with my family and really re-asses my life. This is a person I had been with for nearly four years, so all this change was a massive lifestyle adjustment and I won't lie at first, it was hard. For those of you that have been through break ups yourself you will know that they can feel like the end of the world!

But let me tell you, for those of you that might be nursing a broken heart as you head in to the New Year.... Time heals all wounds, you will be happy again and you will stop crying. One day I just woke up, threw all that shit out and realised I'm fucking amazing by myself. I have realised that I can do anything I want with my life, the world is literally my oyster. For the first time, I am content and happy with my job, it's not what I want to do forever but it's better than not having a job at all. I do have a plan for the future and I am fully confident in myself and my abilities that I will get there but for now I just want to enjoy life and experience it, you should too!

If you're in a relationship and on a weekly basis you are telling yourself that you deserve better, then listen to yourself. Have the courage to trust yourself and the confidence to believe that actually, although it might be hard, you got this. You can be single, and you can be bloody good at it. You don't need another person to define you!

When it comes to jobs and life aspirations, go for it. Whatever it is in life that you want, you can have it, go and get it, what is stopping you? Believe in yourself. That might sound like a really cheesy, Disney thing to say but believing in yourself and loving yourself, first and foremost, is the best thing you can do going into the New Year. Also, to any older people reading this, you are never too old to do anything and it is never too late to go after what you want!

2016 is all about having confidence in everything that you do, work, life, friends, family, passions, ambitions, relationships and most importantly you.

You are completely amazing. There is nothing wrong with anything that you are, anything that you want, believe in or like. If we were all the same the world would be such a boring place to live!!

Of course, there will be moments that challenge you, and moments when you still don't think you can do it, I get those sometimes, it's almost like everything rushes at you all at once and life just becomes so overwhelming. 

That being said, I have composed a playlist of all the songs that have driven me, empowered me, picked me up and basically got me through the last five months, some of them might seem a bit of an odd choice, but if I'm not going to be honest then what's the point in doing a blog....?

' This is just the start of your story, if you've got guts, you get glory, anyone can make it even you, now's the time you gotta stand tough, cos if you work hard you can rise up, anyone can make it even you...' - The city's yours (Annie Soundtrack)

Another thing that kept me going was Cinderella (the most recent one) is that really girly? Probably. Not because she gets a happily ever after but because she is so strong. Yes it's fictional and real life isn't really like that but so many lines of that film can applied to real life.
'Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done..' 

So what does 2016 hold for me??? Well, I have learnt that making long term plans isn't always a great idea since nothing is ever certain in life, as this year has shown me BUT I would really like to go to either Italy or Ireland (once I've paid off that naughty student overdraft) I want a change in career..... Maybe pluck up the courage to create a youtube channel!! I want to invest more in this blog. Really spend time with family and friends creating amazing memories! I want to take time with photography, it's something I really enjoy and love and thanks to my mum I now have a swanky new camera. I also want to begin saving to go to Harry Potter studios again, since the last time was with my ex..... But mainly I just want to have a wonderful year!

I really hope you've taken something from this blog, I've put a lot of effort into it. IT's something I've been wanting to write for a while and I figured this was the perfect time for it.

I hope that you all have a wonderful New Year whatever you are doing!

Find me on social media!

Instagram @annakimberley93

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